Meet the team who serve
the church and the community

Fr Bruce-Julian Batstone

Mthr Clemency

Naomi Malone

Nina Saint
Angus McIndoe Email: angus@amcindoe.com
Jean Wong
Email: church.warden@hornseyparishchurch.org
PCC Members & Trustees
Fr Bruce-Julian Batstone (Rector and Chair)
Mthr Clemency Flitter (Curate)
Nina Saint (Deanery Synod)
Angus McIndoe (Churchwarden)
Jean Wong (Churchwarden)
Charlotte (Lotti) Wander (Treasurer)
Natasha Warr (Secretary)
Chris Arnold
Michael Baker
Mercy Cleland
Denis Dugwell
Hazel Griffith
Richard Hodges
Coral Lowcock
Lesley Matthew
Safeguarding Officer
Naomi Malone Tel: 07776 588 602
Email: safeguarding@hornseyparishchurch.org
Chaplain & Contemplative Prayer Group
Pam Curran 020 8888 1942
Church Office
Church Visiting Team
If you, or someone you know, might appreciate a visit from us, please speak to Pam Curran or Fr Bruce-Julian.
Baptisms, Lay Schools Worker
& Noah’s Ark
Naomi Malone Tel: 07776 588 602
Email: naomi@hornseyparishchurch.org
(rest Days are Mon, Sat)
Children’s Champions
Naomi Malone, Nina Saint, Natasha Warr, Coral Lowcock
Wedding Enquiries
For enquiries about weddings and blessings of same sex unions
Email: fr.bruce@hornseyparishchurch.org (Fr. Bruce’s rest day is Friday.)
YMCA Chaplaincy
Youth Worker
Nina Saint: nina@hornseyparishchurch.org
Church Bookshop
Open alternate Fridays and Saturdays
10am – 1pm. Speak to Cathy Edis.
Email: thebasementbookshop@gmail.com
Church Hall Manager
Jenny Goodwin Tel: 07423 113 924