Worship during Lent
Holy Week and Easter: Sunday 24th March to Sunday 1st April
Lent is above all a time to prepare for the great feast of Easter when we will each have the joy of renewing the promises of our baptism. Please make a note now of our Holy Week worship. It’s a powerful week of extraordinary drama and all Christians will want to be together to share in these great mysteries.
Palm Sunday
10.30 am Parish Sung Eucharist with Procession and Blessing of Palms
4.00pm Open Air Eucharist, with Procession and Blessing of Palms, at St Mary’s Tower
6.00pm Sacred Space
11.00am Eucharist
6.00pm Holy Hour: Silent Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament t
11.00am Eucharist
Maundy Thursday
8.00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper with Footwashing
Vigil to Midnight Stay and Pray with us in the peace of the Garden
Good Friday
10.00am Stations of the Cross
2.00pm Liturgy of Good Friday
Holy Saturday
8.00pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday
10.30am Parish Sung Eucharist of the Resurrection
4.00pm St Mary’s Tower Open Air Eucharist*
6.00pm Sacred Space