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Key Contacts & Policies

Hornsey Parish Church believes that safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone and is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all those who are vulnerable (children, young people and vulnerable adults). We expect all of our staff, volunteers and those who use our premises to share this commitment and value the support of those who worship here in achieving this.


If you have any concerns please contact our Safeguarding Officer, Naomi Malone,

or Fr Bruce Batstone or Mthr Clemency Flitter on

020 8883 6846.

If you would like to know more about safeguarding and how to keep people safe in a church context, training is available here. Or you can speak to a member of the ministry team, especially Naomi, our safeguarding officer.


Our Church Safeguarding Officer is: Naomi Malone

Tel: 07776 588 602

The Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor is: Michelle Burns

Tel: 020 7932 1224

Other important numbers:

CCPAS (Now known as 31:8) helpline: 0303 003 1111

LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer):

020 3837 5082

Family Lives: (Previously Parentline): 0808 800 222

Childline: 0800 1111

Diocese of London (Edmonton) logo

Hornsey Parish Church, Cranley Gardens, London N10 3AH

Hall Hire Enquiries 07423 113 924

Hornsey Parish Church is a registered charity 1157748

National Church Trust Logo
Eco Church Logo
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