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Official list of members
of the congregation

Why join our electoral roll?


Having a good number on our electoral roll helps our church in terms of the way it can represent itself in the composition of the Parochial Church Council (PCC), the Board of Trustees which leads the life of the local church with the Churchwardens and Rector. It also brings the opportunity of a bigger voice on the Deanery Synod, made up of representatives of West Haringey churches. However, and much more importantly, it brings the opportunity to widen our network of contacts, and the ability to keep our wider family informed and involved in our life.

Applications for enrolment can be accepted at any time of the year, apart from a few weeks leading up to the Annual Meeting of Parishioners (APCM) when the roll is closed for revision or, every 6 years, for the preparation of a new roll. If you wish to attend and vote at the APCM, your application must be with the Electoral Roll Officer by the announced deadline, which could be up to 28 days before the APCM. The current Electoral Roll was started anew in Spring 2024.

Electoral Roll Revision 2025


Start date: Sunday 8th March 2024
Closure of Electoral Roll and deadline for applications: Sunday 30th March 2025
APCM: Sunday 18th May 2025

If you provide your email address on your application we will be able to use it to contact you in connection with the maintenance of the Electoral Roll or the membership of the PCC. However, it would be helpful if we could communicate with you by email and/or phone on other matters, for example keeping you abreast of key events in the church calendar. Please also fill in a Consent Form to let us know how you wish to be contacted. The Electoral Roll reopens for applications immediately after the APCM.

You can download the membership application form here :
WORD: Application for Enrolment

PDF: Application for Enrolment


Enrolment and Consent forms are also available on the Electoral Roll table at the back of the church. Completed forms can be emailed to or handed to a member of the Parish Ministry Team.

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Hornsey Parish Church, Cranley Gardens, London N10 3AH

Hall Hire Enquiries 07423 113 924

Hornsey Parish Church is a registered charity 1157748

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