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Making a Donation

Should you wish to make a donation to the mission of the church, there are several ways this can be done.


1) Secure Online Donations

Simply click the button below and you will taken to our secure online giving page where you simply have to follow the instructions given to make the donation of your choice.


2) Text Donations
To make a donation, text ‘GIVETOHORNSEY 5’ to 70085 to donate £5. This costs £5 plus a standard rate message. To donate a different amount simply change the number – you can opt to give any whole amount up to £20.

3) Planned Giving by Standing Order/Direct Debit

Planned giving or direct debit is by far the most effective way to make a contribution towards the church’s running costs. As knowing what our regular income is likely to be really helps the PCC to manage our cash flow, plan future expenditure and budget accordingly, against a certainty of a known level of income. Monthly standing orders also gives you complete control to change the amount or stop payments at any time.

Setting up a standing order takes just a few minutes and you can take the first step by clicking here to download the form. Once completed, simply hand it to Lotti Wander, the Church Treasurer, and she will process it accordingly and in complete confidence.

You would also need to contact your bank or Building Society to set up the direct debit. 

Our banking details for setting up you direct debit/standing order are:

SORT CODE: 40-11-58
ACCOUNT NO: 30446025

4) By Cash

Alternatively we are happy to receive good old fashioned cash or cheques made payable to Hornsey Parish Church!

5) By our contactless (Sumup) machine at the back of the church

​Our contactless (Sumup) machine at the back of the church accepts all major credit cards. Just select the amount you would like to give, and tap your credit/debit card on the machine.

Making the most of your giving – Gift Aid

If you are a taxpayer then we would urge you also to Gift Aid your donations, either through your standing order or by using the yellow envelopes provided in church. By this simple act we will receive an additional 25% on top of the amount of your gift.

If you have any questions about the stewardship campaign or any aspect of church finances, please do not hesitate to talk to Lotti Wander, our Treasurer, Jean Wong or Angus McIndoe, our Churchwardens, or Fr Bruce-Julian.


If you are concerned about the issue of who knows what you are giving, our Treasurer, Lotti Wander, who administrates our Gift Aid claims, is the only person who has access to that information. Otherwise the records are completely confidential. We would like to take this opportunity to convey our sincere thanks for your generosity in supporting our mission.

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Hornsey Parish Church, Cranley Gardens, London N10 3AH

Hall Hire Enquiries 07423 113 924

Hornsey Parish Church is a registered charity 1157748

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