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Fr Dennis Bury RIP

Fr Dennis Bury died on Saturday 28th December in hospital. Whilst he had been living with the progression of motor neurone disease for some time, his passing was sudden. Ordained over fifty years ago, Dennis has served in a number of parishes during his ministry, including Holy Trinity, Stroud Green,  St Peter's Belsize Park and Hornsey Parish Church, where he has been very involved as an assistant priest since 2012, whilst continuing to serve generously across the deanery and beyond. Most of his ministry, however, was in the field of psychotherapy both as an academic and counselling psychologist. He had a lifelong interest in the scientific study of unexplained phenomena , and was a distinguished member of the Society for Psychical Research. He will also be remembered as a committed environmentalist, an able musician, with a wide range of interests - he took up sailing at the age of 69! Also, and most particularly, as a person of deep commitment and kindness. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, and grandchildren - Dennis loved his family very much. 

A Celebration of the Life of Dennis Bury​


We would like to invite everyone to a celebration of the life of Dennis Bury.


The ceremony will take place at Hornsey Parish Church, Cranley Gardens, London N10 3AH, on Thursday 23rd January 2025 at 11am. 


At Dennis’s request all are welcome - those of any faith or none, equally. 


Afterwards there will be light refreshments at a nearby location.


Details for the funeral are on the website which will be updated regularly as more information is confirmed. 


The website will give you the opportunity to add photos, memories and thoughts to share, even if you are not able to come on the day. 


We will also name some of the charities he supported and put details on the website, if you feel you would like to give something in memory, this is entirely optional.


With warmest wishes, 

Ursula, with Susanne, Nina and the whole family

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Hornsey Parish Church, Cranley Gardens, London N10 3AH

Hall Hire Enquiries 07423 113 924

Hornsey Parish Church is a registered charity 1157748

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