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Contemplations to
Nourish Our Souls

Christian Contemplation is a process, an experience, 

a lifelong practice. It results in an expansion of consciousness ...

... an opening of our minds and hearts to the present moment, and seeing God in it. It involves a sense of knowing … a knowing of, not merely knowing about. And it grows out of a relationship with ourselves, and with God, based on experience.

It is the sacrament of living in the present moment, in the midst of the circumstances that we find ourselves, that teaches us how to actually experience our experiences, and how to let them transform us and our relationships with one another. It is transcendent. It helps us transcend ourselves. And with each level of self-knowledge that we enter, we are changed.


Our prayer isn’t for God to change our lives, but rather for Him to change us. As it’s never really a circumstance that needs to change – it’s we who need to change. Hence the role of contemplative practices is in healing the state of our minds.

From December, we are starting a series of Contemplative sessions and meditations where you can experience the benefits of Contemplation, learn about the Christian Contemplative Tradition and experience the benefits of inner peace and sustenance.

Learn through Wisdom

Transformed by Experience


by Love

The Soul's Odyssey

Saturday 7th, 14th, 21st December


Join us for a transformative three-week series as we explore the profound teachings and insights of the Christian mystics and spiritual masters, including Thomas Merton and Fr. Thomas Keating. Through rich dialogue, discussion and reflective practices, we will dive into themes that speak to the heart of the spiritual journey.

Whether you are seeking deeper meaning in your spiritual path or simply wish to explore the wisdom of the Christian contemplative tradition, these gatherings will offer inspiration, insight, and practices to nourish your soul.

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Saturdays in December


Tea and biscuits will be served from 3.45pm.

Venue: Hornsey Parish Church

in the Church Room

Cranley Gardens

London N10 3AH

Soul Sustenance 

Learning To See

Richard Rohr on the urgent need for Contemplative Seeing and how to learn to see in a way that helps us transcend ourselves...



Silence, our greatest need

“Our greatest need is to be silent before God…for the only language he hears is the silent language of love” St John of the Cross. Fr Bruce on the value of the prayer of stillness and watchfullness ...



Going Home

Etty Hillesum, a Dutch Jewish author on how to see the true self, rather than the delusions of the false one shaped by the desire of who we would be if we could...


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Hornsey Parish Church, Cranley Gardens, London N10 3AH

Hall Hire Enquiries 07423 113 924

Hornsey Parish Church is a registered charity 1157748

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