Our Community Outreach Programme
HPC Open Door 60/60
Our church building is a vital part of our mission, embodying our values of hospitality and inclusivity. We are committed to making our church a welcoming and accessible space for everyone while nurturing God's creation. And we want to maximise use of our facilities for the benefit of all our neighbours, to help improve wellbeing, belonging and inclusion. Consultations with the local community also revealed the need for a hub in the community that offers more opportunities for people to come together, especially for the elderly, those experiencing social isolation or living with dementia.
Our Open Door project is about making our church and garden more accessible, so as to make the opportunities to be renewed in Spirit more available to everyone in the community.

Welcome Wednesday
Lunches & Fellowship
Every Wednesday 12noon
Enjoy fellowship and a light lunch. Simply join us for some good food and great company! Donation of £4 is optional but would be hugely welcomed.

Youth Fellowship
Friday evenings
Young People are a highly valued part of our Church community. Our Youth Fellowship offers a wide range of activities appealing to all ages, meeting every Friday evening for a time of socialising, crafts, reflection and prayer. We are friendly and lots of fun!

YMCA Chaplaincy
We provide a chaplaincy team at the local YMCA hostel in Tottenham Lane where over 160 young people from all over the world are given temporary and semi-permanent accommodation. This work is led by our curate, Mthr Clemency.

Forget-Me-Not Group
First Wednesday of every month
This is a facilitated group to explore memory through music and images for those with and without memory problems. The next meeting is on Wednesday 4th December in the Church Room. at Hornsey Parish Church.

Hornsey Pensioners Action Group
Third Wednesday of every month
The Hornsey Pensioners Action Group is hosted in our Church Hall on the third Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is on Wednesday 18th December. Doors open in the Church Hall from 1.00pm. You could come to Welcome Wednesday lunch at 12 noon in the Church Room, and go from there!

Winter Night Shelter
Each winter we cooperate with other Hornsey churches to help run a Night Shelter for homeless people.
For more information, or if you would like to volunteer your help, please speak to Lorraine at Hornsey Parish Church (or email general@hornseyparishchurch.org) or visit the All People All Places website (allpeopleallplaces.org)

Air Corps Chaplaincy
We act as a chaplaincy presence for the Territorial Army base in Hornsey and pay regular visits there.