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Hornsey Parish Church Choir is an historic, ambitious and welcoming robed choir. We sing a Eucharist service at 10:30am on Sundays, occasional Evensongs and Complines, and perform regular concerts of sacred music with professional soloists. The annual services of The Wait (Advent), Nine Lessons and Carols (Christmas) and Easter Vigil (Easter) are among the finest in London.

The choir comprises some 12 voluntary singers and 4 paid choral scholars. We welcome new members who have a facility with sight reading and a passion for the choral liturgy. There is no subscription fee and no formal audition. To join the choir, please contact Fr Bruce or Mthr Clemency ( or Our singers are adults of all ages and all walks of life: a diverse, friendly, committed and musical community.

The choir rehearses weekly on Sunday mornings at 9:30am. We aim for high musical standards across a wide ranging repertoire, spanning Renaissance polyphony to contemporary anthems and mass settings. Recent performance highlights have included: Dvořák Te Deum with professional soloists; Tavener Mother of God in the round by candlelight; Young The Night at Evensong in St. Michael’s Highgate; Bowden Ice Carol, a new commission for Hornsey Parish Church Choir.

The choir also has a lively social life, with regular suppers, garden parties and post-concert celebrations, often involving the wider church community. The choir regularly participates in the vibrant musical life of North London, including appearances in the Crouch End Festival and joint services with the choir of St. Michael’s, Highgate.


Hornsey Parish Church also supports a wide range of amateur and professional instrumental and folk musicians. Instrumentalists enhance our worship by accompanying the choir in anthems or performing after the service. We also run regular informal concerts for the local community, where a diverse range of musicians showcase their skills. 

Stages for Faith

On a regular basis Hornsey Parish Church stages a musical, with actors drawn from the neighbouring areas. Performances, complete with band, costumes, and brilliant singing, are given over several nights to packed audiences inside the church. Past productions have included The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, Beauty and the Beast, Joseph, Jesus Christ Superstar and The Secret Garden. 

Venue Hire

The church is blessed with a wonderful acoustic, colourful Saxon Aldred organ and well-voiced grand piano. There are also a variety of different performance options, including choir stalls, space in front of the Sanctuary and the Lady Chapel. The church is therefore an ideal and flexible space for rehearsals and concerts (solo, choral and orchestral) conveniently close to central London. For hire enquiries, please contact

Diocese of London (Edmonton) logo

Hornsey Parish Church, Cranley Gardens, London N10 3AH

Hall Hire Enquiries 07423 113 924

Hornsey Parish Church is a registered charity 1157748

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